Back when I was about 12-14, I had some involvement in martial arts and competition.
I loved it and for many years wanted to get back into it in some form. Back in the spring of 2017, I started researching local gyms and various forms of martial arts in hopes of finding what would be the most effective form of self defense and something that would be a good fit for the whole family. I found that in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. My family started training at GRBJJ under Clint Crabtree, Ben Van Doren and several other great instructors and teammates. I have competed in several tournaments and earned my blue belt in 2019. There are many things I love about BJJ including the physical development, the strategy, and the never ending learning curve. When not on the mats, I love spending time with my wonderful wife Beth and our 3 kids. Our other hobbies include our small hobby farm, hunting, shooting, camping, and serving in the church. At work, I get to lead and serve an awesome team of people at Sneller Snow & Grounds.